It’s that time again to double check your membership payment is going through each month, it’s harder for me to check from my end for some reason so if you can all double check that I’d appreciate that! Several of you renew in January so the membership may have lapsed which is why I’m asking everyone to be sure to check it.
The chore list will be on the table for everyone to sign up for chores. Please do this soon as it is really a huge help to get things covered. This year we will be trading off the chores monthly. Everything needs to be done at least once a month, shop vac twice a month, laundry as needed, bathroom weekly. If you need to learn to do any of the chores, please speak up and Liz or I can show you how to do them! Shop vac is a two person job so find a friend to sign up with for that one! Emily and Liz did it every month last year and it would be very nice if someone could give those two a break.
We have Conner’s vase class meeting every third Monday from 6-8, the second class is this evening. My beginning wheel class is weekly on Monday afternoons 1-3 and Wednesday mornings10-12. They’re doing very well and may join for the empty bowls work session so say hello to them! The work session got rescheduled to tomorrow night, bring a friend and come make some bowls to help the hungry! Please bring by the bowls you have to donate as well so Patricia and Donna can take those and do a good count. The goal is 350 bowls and the pottery community works hard to get there and have fun bowls for everyone to choose from so thanks for everyone who can contribute to that!
Alright then, just wanted to touch base about the chores! Happy potting!