The studio chore chart is back at the studio. You'll see we have some gaps that still need to be filled in. (Some have been filled since I took this picture) Please sign up as you can for things to help out. We need someone to volunteer for this month and next to shop vac the floors. This is an important part of keeping not only the clay studio but the entire space clean. You'll see that there are dusty footprints all throughout the entire space and doing the shop vac mopping cuts this down significantly. I do it in the main studio, the side studio and the bathroom by myself so I do not want to have to also do it in the clay studio since we have so many helpful hands to help out. Liz B and Lacey both know how it is done if you need a lesson. The shop vac is under a table against the wall closest to the clay studio. It's not a pleasant job but it is one that needs to be done and with two people doing it, it will take about a half an hour in that room.
A great big thank you for both making bowls and helping out either before or the day of for empty bowls, over $17,000 was raised for the Stew Pot. It was a beautiful and fun day out there!
Donna will be back on Tuesday nights for classes! I am working out details with her for these. Right now her plan is every other Tuesday to have a class for you. I will have the costs for this figured out soon as well as a start date for you! These classes will be listed online and you will have a discount code to use for clay studio members only if you are paying online. This will be opened to the public but is going to be an intermediate class so no true beginners, her lessons will be for those with basic assembly skills for hand building. I will give you all a chance to register prior to sending out information on the classes and you can pay with a check for classes if you prefer to do that. We will need a headcount for these though so Donna can prep anything she needs to prep. More details coming on this soon!
I will be out of town from Sunday March 12th through Monday March 20th. If you need anything before then, let me know now. Otherwise, please see Liz B for anything while I am gone.
Thanks everyone!