The Postcard Project
Mississippi School of Folk Arts Mail Art Adventure
Folk Art Postcard Painted by Paul D. Sullivan
In 2016, Paul D. Sullivan began sending postcards to friends and family. What started out as sending unadorned commercially available postcards quickly morphed into small notes, doodles and drawings on those postcards. Within a few months, Mr. Sullivan was using recycled materials, tempera, watercolor, acrylic paints, markers and collage to create unique pieces of art he sent off through the mail system. In response, he began receiving postcards back. From unadorned postcards bought along the way through hand crafted pieces of art, he and his friends have amassed a collection of over a thousand postcards.
Mississippi School of Folk Arts wants to spread the postcard love and encourages you to decorate a postcard and send it to us. If you put your return address on the postcard, you will receive a postcard back from our team of volunteer postcard artists. We will be documenting the postcards received and displaying them to share the beauty of these small pieces of art. The hope of Mississippi School of Folk Arts is that you will find enough joy in creating your postcard to us that you continue to make and send postcards to your own family and friends.
Please address all postcards to
Mississippi School of Folk Arts
P.O. Box 696
Natchez, Mississippi 39121
We can't wait to see what you create for us! Be forewarned though, postcard art can be addictive, like potato chips you won't want to stop at just one!
Questions? Email us